Open-File Report 2003-295

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Trends of Abutment-Scour Prediction Equations Applied to 144 Field Sites in South Carolina

By Stephen T. Benedict, Nikhil Deshpande, Nadim M. Aziz, and Paul A. Conrads


All OFR 03-295 Data Files (1.7M)

Original and modified Froehlich Equation
Piedmont 100-year flow data (Excel file, 351K)
Piedmont historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 204K)
Coastal 100-year flow data (Excel file, 301K)
Coastal historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 217K) (229K)

Sturm Equation
Piedmont 100-year flow data (Excel file, 91K)
Piedmont historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 54K)
Coastal 100-year flow data (Excel file, 97K)
Coastal historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 67K) ( 78K)

Piedmont 100-year flow data (Excel file, 295K)
Piedmont historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 163K)
Coastal 100-year flow data (Excel file, 313K)
Coastal historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 195K)

ABSCOUR Input Files
Piedmont 100-year flow data
Piedmont historic maximum flow data
Coastal 100-year flow data
Coastal historic maximum flow data

ABSCOUR Program and Supporting Files
scour7.exe (695K)
History.hst (1.0K)     History3.hst ( 0 )
scour.gid (8.4K)     scour7.cnt (2.0K)     scour7.gid ( 14K)     scour7.hlp (556K)

ABSCOUR Documentation
Users Manual (.doc, 747K)
Appendix A Part I (.doc, 484K)     Appendix A Part II (.doc, 6.0M)
Appendix C (.doc, 1.9M)     Appendix D (.doc, 19M)     Appendix E (.doc, 736K) (7.7M)

HIRE Equation
Piedmont 100-year flow data (Excel file, 55K)
Piedmont historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 41K)
Coastal 100-year flow data (Excel file, 58K)
Coastal historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 44K) ( 41K)

Young Equation
Piedmont 100-year flow data (Excel file, 71K)
Piedmont historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 45K)
Coastal 100-year flow data (Excel file, 73K)
Coastal historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 51K) ( 69K)

WSPRO tube-velocity data
100-year flow data (Excel file, 2.8M)
Historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 2.7M) (289K)

Soil-boring data
SCDOT Data (Excel file, 1.4M) (100K)

Abutment-scour data
100-year flow data (Excel file, 466K)
Historic maximum flow data (Excel file, 373K) (139K)

Threshold-velocity data
Threshold velocity data (Excel file, 3.3M) (206K)

EFA data
Buffalo S-348
Enoree S-112
Enoree S-81
Enoree SC 146
Reedy S-36 (3.5M)

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