A Modular Finite-Element Model (MODFE) for Areal and Axisymmetric Ground-Water-Flow Problems, Part 1: Model Description and User's Manual

U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 6, Chapter A3

by Lynn J. Torak

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The series of manuals on techniques describes procedures for planning and executing specialized work in water-resources investigations. The material is grouped under major subject headings called "Books" and further subdivided into sections and chapters. Section A of Book 6 is on ground-water modeling. The unit of publication, the chapter, is limited to a narrow field of subject matters. This format allows flexibility in revision and publication as the need arises.

Chapters 6A3, 6A4, and 6A5 are on the use of a particular transient finite-element numerical method for two-dimensional, ground-water-flow problems. These Chapters (6A3, 6A4, and 6A5) correspond to reports prepared on the finite-element model given the acronym MODFE and designated as parts 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Part 1 is on "model description and user's manual," part 2 is on "derivation of finite-element equations and comparisons with analytical solutions," and part 3 is on "design philosophy and programming details."

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